Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November activities

November has been busy. We went to the coolest birthday party ever -- Ethan had a REAL fire truck at his party. Boy, was that a hit. That's going to be tough to beat. Ethan's mom said that next year they're going to play it low-key and go to Europe for his birthday instead.

Wei Wei also got to see Sophia and Colin. Sophia is a month younger than Wei Wei and they hit it off fabulously.

Thanksgiving was great -- we went to Auntie Amy and Uncle's Jerry's house. It's nice to spend it with family. Even the Nathan and Kyle went (for a while, at least).

Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween Pics

Some Halloween-themed photos of Wei Wei (as himself and as a tri-athlete). Even though we only went to 15 houses, for some reason, Halloween seemed like a very long night. He hasn't quite gotten the knack of trick-or-treating, but had a fabulous time trick-or-treating with Ethan and visiting Jen and Charlie.

Even Jerry got into the action -- here are the boys, putting their fierce game face on.