Monday, June 30, 2008

Tooth stress

Another rhetorical question: why is it when kids are running at full speed they are always looking over their shoulder?

Wei Wei ran straight into the couch doing that very thing. The lip looked okay, but the gum above the tooth was bleeding. We put ice on it, of course, but the worst is running through our heads: he knocked the tooth loose, the tooth is going to turn grey and fall out, he's going to have a space, which is going to mess up the rest of the teeth and when his adult teeth come in he's going to have Sponge Bob Squarepants teeth.

Jerry took him to our dentist and the tooth still seems solidly rooted, but unfortunately tooth damage might not show up for several weeks. So we wait and see. And worry . . . sigh.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Underwear update and other news

Big strides recently with the potty training. Big strides. Wei Wei has been wearing underwear during the day since Friday with only one accident. Woohoo!

Jerry tried to take him last week to run their first 5k race together. The weather was a little dicey, but Jerry took him anyway. They registered and were waiting around for the start, but then there was distant thunder and lightening, so they skipped it. I had headed over to Audrey's to help Ali with her wedding invitations. I get a call from Wei Wei, who is crying because he's upset and wants to be with me. So naturally I drive home, only to find out that it wasn't necessarily me that he wanted to be with -- he was upset because he wanted to go to Audrey's too. And here I thought I was the center of his universe. Apparently he missed Xiao Yi and Wei Yi. Luckily, he got his fix this weekend.

Busy weekend: Jerry and I were in NYC for dinner on Friday night, then over to Mona and Piyush's house for a BBQ yesterday, then family over today. We had the twins and Wei Wei in a blow-up pirate pool for a bit this afternoon -- that was cute.

Rhetorical question: why is it that it's always the favorite toy/book/item that you can never keep track of or find? We've been tearing the house apart looking for King (of Cars movie fame). Last week it was the "Go Diego" book.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Weedville 2008

This year's Weedville was hosted in Bloomfield North (Fuller-Wong compound) and Bloomfield South (Kain compound). The Rachfals (Amy, John, Zachary, and Zoe), Hollars (Mike, Ivanna, Vasco, and Justine), Diana, Jen, and Wong-Fullers were all in attendance. Highlights included the Jersey shore (plenty of sunscreen) and our annual Vermonster (six pints!).

We had 5.667 kids this year in residence (we did manage to corral four of them here): Zachary, Wei Wei, Vasco, and Justine.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Potty success!

I don't know what it is about staying at Po Po and Gong Gong's house, but it's magical and mystical. Wei Wei and I spent a few days there last week because our town lost power. During that stay, Wei Wei literally woke up one day and decided that the potty was more than an inert fixture in the bathroom and DECIDED TO START USING IT.

Many of you know the various cajoling and bribing we've offered, to no avail. But somehow, at Po Po's he needed no incentive and literally just started peeing in the potty on a regular basis (pooping is another story, but we'll take what we can get).

Woohoo! My fear that he was going to be 12 years old and still wearing diapers may not be realized after all!!!!

Sunday, June 08, 2008


I guess summer is here -- it's been 100 degrees both days this weekend. Despite the heat and humidity, Jerry and Andrea ran a 10k race (called Mountain Top, which tells you that it's not a flat course). Noooooooo way.

We also celebrated Nathan and Kyle's first birthday (which was actually last week). They are both crawling, pulling themselves up to stand, and generally being incredibly adorable. Wei Wei was so excited about their birthday because he talked about it all day. On the way over, Jerry asked him how old he thought the twins were. "I don't know, we should ask Wei Yi (Audrey). She'll tell us." He didn't think they were five yet because five was when you were big and got to go to kindergarten.
Also, here are a few photos from the Grandpa and Grandma's visit last weekend. Wei Wei enjoyed having two additional people to boss around.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Siggy's spa day and Wei Wei's debut

Jerry has been threatening to take Siggy to get groomed while I was away on business. This week, he kept his word. I came home to a sleek, more svelte-looking Siggy. Moxie (not-so-smart) hasn't recognized Siggy and has been growling and hissing at him ever since.

This weekend was the end of Chinese school. All of the classes performed and this was Wei Wei's big stage debut. He almost debuted early. When I told him it was time to line up, he scrambled right up on the stage and stood next to some students, except it wasn't his class. I had to go up and get him, but I give him points for enthusiasm.