Thursday, November 27, 2008

This one is for Kaixiang

Howdy Pilgrams!

We hope KX likes it.


It's that time of the year when we all reflect about the things we are thankful for. This year, our list is not as traditional as usual. Of course, we are thankful for family, friends and all of those things, but Turkey Day this year forced us to think outside of the box. So, here goes the list and it's not in any particular order.

1) Let's take a minute and thank the people that invented those waterproof pads used on a bed.
2) What would the world be without a washer and dryer. Gotta love those.
3) On-demand television, now that is helpful
4) The command center (that's our couch in the living room).
5) Lysol--Wendy may disagree, but I love the stuff.
6) Jello-the cherry kind without fruit
7) Children's Motrin--Magic, it really is amazing stuff.
8) M & M's
9) Hotwheel cars
10) It should only last 24 hours!

Yep, you probably guessed by now. Wei Wei came down with a stomach flu last night. I'll spare you the details, but it wasn't pretty. So, we stayed home today and had a lovely day despite the illness.

Happy Turkey Day!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Adelaide's Big Hair

We shot a little video of Adelaide. It's not really a Summer blockbuster...not much action. We were very impressed with her big hair. She's really trying to go Jersey at a young age. I wish I could dub "Hey, someone pass me the Aquanet".

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Zzzzzzz . . . .

I'm not sure if it's a fluke or the start of a trend, but Adelaide slept through the night last night. Slept from 11:30 pm until 6:15: am! Of course, I still got up to check on her.

Could this be? Dare I hope?

Although my expectations are not high that this will last, but at ten weeks old, she's already sleeping a ton better than Wei Wei was at this age. He didn't sleep through the night regularly until he was about two years old.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chutes and Ladders

Garrick has been trying to enter the realm of big kid games. So,we picked out Chutes and Ladders. It's a childhood standard. It doesn't require reading, you only need to be able to count to six and if you are like me, you can even be color blind (I always have a hard time with Candyland). Anyway, Garrick who is Mr. Let's Play, can't seem to get his mind around the concept of a board game with rules. It quickly devolves into playing with the little stand-up pieces.

We are considering bringing a class action lawsuit against Milton Bradley for it's false claims. It clearly states 3+ years of age. Garrick is 3+ years of age and while he's no Einstein, he's not exactly a Lenny. Wendy and I can hardly bring ourselves to open the box and play because it's such a mess.

Wendy took Adelaide in for her 2 month check-up. All is well. She is now a little over 23 inches and 11 pounds. She enjoys eating every 1 1/2 hours and recently she has been able to stay awake around the clock. She must get that from the Wong family.

Saturday, November 01, 2008


We have survived Halloween!

Wei Wei had a great time. He tricked, he treated, he got lots of candy. He dressed as a Secret Agent. Inspired by the Backyardigans and a little Mission Impossible, we were able to pull together a costume that met his high standards.

Adelaide, on the other hand, got a hand-me-down from her cousins. She went as a big pumpkin blob.

In other Halloween festivities, we made cupcakes for daycare. Check out our buggy cupcakes. Not too scary. We clearly need cupcake lessons from Ivanna!

Here's Wei Wei's attempt: