Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chinese School

We took Wei Wei to a Chinese school in Verona on Saturday. Since he's in daycare full time now and out of Chinese bootcamp (i.e. Po Po and Gong Gong), I noticed that his Chinese is starting to slack. Aaack -- stop the slippage!

We checked out two classes: a parent/toddler class and a pre-school class. He's too advanced for the parent/toddler class (mostly for non-home-speakers) and was the star of the class. The other kid couldn't get a word in edgewise. Wei Wei had such a good time that he hugged the teacher good-bye. That was cute.

The other class was more structured (and longer -- two hours, versus 40 min). He would be the youngest one, but the parents are also able to stay, so the bonus there is that Jerry would be able to improve his skills too. So we think we're going to sign him up for the pre-k class and see how that goes.

Our baby, going to Chinese school. Sniff.


Anonymous said...

Way to go sure to call and let us know how you are doing OK
Hugs and Kisses
Grandma and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Ahh... Chinese school. What memories. Can I put Scott in Chinese school too? He can barely count still.