Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Giants Draft Day 5k

Jerry, Andrea, and Loi made a valiant attempt to run this year's Giants Draft Day 5k, which turned out to be a dud of a race. The course was messed up, so Andrea and Jerry completed the race in 22 minutes -- too bad the course was short the 5k. Hey -- still a PR!

The runners -- fresh before the big start

If you look REALLY closely, you can see Andrea and Jerry.

Wei Wei and I hanging out in the parking lot.

The happy racers at the end.


Ivanna said...

Cool shirt Jerry! :)
sounds like fun regardless of the not so splendid weather and the mismeasured course.

Anonymous said...

Good Job Son...I just enlarged the picture and there you were..I actually found you by the tat on your leg..how funny is that. Looks like everyone had a great time.
Love ya, Mom