Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A tux, a cake, and Adelaide

Xiao Yi and Danny's wedding is this Saturday. Er Yi and Kaixiang fly in tonight, so the festivities will be starting! We did a practice run with Wei Wei in his tuxedo:

While Ivanna teaches Justine and Vasco "real" cooking (see her blog to the right), we helped Wei Wei make a volcano cake. I don't think we've ever had that much food coloring in our house at one time. Wei Wei was disappointed that we wouldn't let him eat it.

Adelaide and I continue to live in two-hour increments. This child can eat. We had our two-week check-up yesterday and she's gained 8 oz since we brought her home. Nice! When she's not eating, this is what she's usually doing:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More baby pics

Hi -- getting some more photos posted of Adelaide.

Here's the oblilgatory photo from the hospital, where she's coyly peeking over the blanket:

And here she is relaxing at home. Jerry is the one holding her, in case some of you thought the pregnancy hormones had wacked me out.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Adelaide's Debut

O.K. here she is! Adelaide was born 09/06/08 at 3:17pm. She weighed in at 7lbs 2 oz and was 19 in long.

Wendy and Adelaide are doing well and we are now enjoying our first afternoon at home.

She is eating well and taking care of her "other" baby business in good fashion. Hopefully she will adjust to being at home and make her mother's life easy for the first few weeks.

I guess we will need a new name for the blog? Maybe not.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

And waiting . . .

And still we wait. No baby activity to speak of.

We've missed Jerry's birthday, Grandma Cox's birthday, Sue's birthday, and Big Jerry's birthday. And today is Andrea's birthday.

We sure do have a lot of birthdays around this time of the year . . .

Wei Wei was asking me where the baby was going to come out and how. As I stammered for an appropriate answer, Po Po told him that the baby was going to come out in the hospital, neatly side-stepping the question. She's quick.