Friday, May 11, 2007

For Pete's Sake

Can someone tell me how to get Wei Wei to sleep with some semblance of a routine. As I write this post, it's 9:50pm and he is upstairs screaming like I'm killing him. He's been doing it for almost 1.5 hours. This, for better or worse, has become the daily spectacle that Wendy and I face. I think I should seriously consider valium for me or for Garrick.....end rant.

I am also, at times, amused by the array of excuses he comes up with to try and lure me back into his room. I will start a list because it would probably make for a funny blog. His originals for today were: "I want to wear Ba Ba's shirt", "My (fill in the blank) hurts", "I don't like this pillow", and so on.

On the bright side, he is great the rest of the time.

1 comment:

Ivanna said...

Okay, we couldn't resist this one. Clearly, we are in no position to give advice, because whatever you may be doing wrong, we're doing twice as wrong..What time did Vasco and Justine go to bed? 9:59 pm. I think there must be a manual of excuses that the kids pass around because we also got the "My bum-bum huuuuuurts" tonight, and the "I waaaaaaaaaaaaaant my blanket" followed by said blanket flying out of the bed and then followed by "My blaaaaaaaaaaaaaanket!!!!" Repeat.