Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chutes and Ladders

Garrick has been trying to enter the realm of big kid games. So,we picked out Chutes and Ladders. It's a childhood standard. It doesn't require reading, you only need to be able to count to six and if you are like me, you can even be color blind (I always have a hard time with Candyland). Anyway, Garrick who is Mr. Let's Play, can't seem to get his mind around the concept of a board game with rules. It quickly devolves into playing with the little stand-up pieces.

We are considering bringing a class action lawsuit against Milton Bradley for it's false claims. It clearly states 3+ years of age. Garrick is 3+ years of age and while he's no Einstein, he's not exactly a Lenny. Wendy and I can hardly bring ourselves to open the box and play because it's such a mess.

Wendy took Adelaide in for her 2 month check-up. All is well. She is now a little over 23 inches and 11 pounds. She enjoys eating every 1 1/2 hours and recently she has been able to stay awake around the clock. She must get that from the Wong family.

1 comment:

Rebecca, Jim, James, Eli & Sarah said...

Chutes & Ladders is so much harder than you remember isn't it?!? I swear James & Eli have just gotten the hang of it (at 6+). I recommend all the Cranium kids games - start with Cariboo, I bet he'll like that. Good Luck! Love all the pictures of your sweet baby. Don't expect me to blog with pictures until Little Person #4 is at least 6 months :)