Thursday, January 15, 2009

And a pirate says "argh!"

Wei Wei had a birthday party last week -- a pirates and princess theme.

Jerry vetoed my original suggestion of sending Wei Wei in a princess costume. (It was to make a point -- boys can't be princes and girls can't be pirates?)

So I dutifully set about thinking about a pirate costume.

At least I started on Friday (the party was on Sunday). Usually I start thinking about it the night before, if not the morning of. Julie and I both agreed that a vest would be key.

So with a trip to the craft store and her help, voila -- a vest made out of felt! Not too bad, I have to say (although I will never be a contestant on Project Runway).

Here's the fierce looking pirate, growling out his best "argh!" Very scary . . .


Anonymous said...

so cute!
happy birthday, wei wei!!

Anonymous said...

his birthday is in february.
it's been a long morning...

Unknown said...

Hi Moon! Now that I reread the post, you're right in that seemed that the party was for Wei Wei. I should have been more clear -- he was going to a birthday party. The noggin is a little rusty here.

Love, wen