Saturday, April 11, 2009

Some Adelaide video

Here is a quick video of Adelaide trying to roll over. She just didn't want to cooperate. Maybe later. She is 7 months old now, that means walking is coming soon!

1 comment:

Knappy said...

Wendy! She's beautiful! Congratulations! I just dug up the URL for your blog and thought I'd check it out. And I'm so glad I did. :-) Garrick looks great too.

We just registered Maya for Kindergarten last week. She's doing really well. We're planning to enroll her in our Chinese school in the fall as well-- I hope that works out.

I hope all is well for you guys-- you need to get on Facebook, if you're not already (the number of "Wendy Wong"s on Facebook is close to 100 million.) Take care!