Friday, March 28, 2008

Pooping in the potty! (And other news)

Editor's note: If you don't have kids, you might want to skip the first paragraph.

We know that millions of other kids have done it (and do it on a regular basis), but we've been making some significant progress with the potty. Wei Wei's pooped in the potty the last three times! Woohoo!!! We're so proud. We have a quite the routine going: Mark the calendar with "p," put a sticker on the chart (and check to see if you get a poopie present), and pick out the two gummy bears. Our secret fears that he'll be wearing a diaper in high school may actually not come true.

In other news, we're expecting #2 (actually, to clarify, I am expecting #2). We've been late in getting the word out -- between the nausea and tiredness in the first 12 weeks and my ravenous appetite since then, we haven't had much time. I tell Jerry I feel like an animal in the wild: all of my waking hours are spent hunting/gathering/foraging for food. Hey -- I'm eating for 1 1/2 right now.

(And for the record, I'm 17 weeks along.)


Ivanna said...

CONGRATULATIONS! on the pooping... :) and on the BABY!!!!!! How exciting!!! We are too tired to do the math, so when are you due?
Hugs from all the Hollars (Are you sure there's only one in there?)

Unknown said...

Thanks! I'm due the first week of September (right now September 6, but since I haven't had any ultrasounds yet, that's likely to change). And since wei wei was 10 days early, it might even be August. I'm so looking forward to being large and uncomfortable in the heat . . .

P.S. Yes, we are sure there is only one -- believe me, we wanted to check!

Rebecca, Jim, James, Eli & Sarah said...

Congratulations from us too! So glad you are past the 1st semester yuck. September 6th is a great birthday - that's when Sarah was born :)

Having had August and September babies, I highly recommend you locate your closest pool. The plus side is I didn't gain as much weight with the summer babies (too hot? drank alot of water? I don't know)

Keep us posted!
Rebecca & the gang