Sunday, April 06, 2008

Toddler logic

Wei Wei wanted to play a game tonight, but BaBa said we needed to cook dinner. Wei Wei asked why we always have to cook dinner. Jerry's response was that dinner didn't cook itself. Wei Wei's response: "It can't cook because it has no hands."

True, enough.

In unrelated news, I'm 18 weeks along and livin' large. Recent cravings include: root beer, root beer floats, grapes, oranges, frozen pizza, and cheese subs.

We went to Auntie Andrea's and Uncle Loi's house yesterday. We think Wei Wei would do well spending a weekend with them. It would toughen him up for sure. Wei Wei loved playing with all the boys. And their toys. You'd think that kid never saw a toy before in his life.

Unrelated photos: here's Wei Wei enjoying some vanilla wafers (another pregnancy impulse purchase -- never send a hungry pregnant woman shopping . . . .) .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when is your due date?
are you guys finding out what you're having?
wei wei is getting too big!
tell him to stop growing so quickly :)
