Monday, June 30, 2008

Tooth stress

Another rhetorical question: why is it when kids are running at full speed they are always looking over their shoulder?

Wei Wei ran straight into the couch doing that very thing. The lip looked okay, but the gum above the tooth was bleeding. We put ice on it, of course, but the worst is running through our heads: he knocked the tooth loose, the tooth is going to turn grey and fall out, he's going to have a space, which is going to mess up the rest of the teeth and when his adult teeth come in he's going to have Sponge Bob Squarepants teeth.

Jerry took him to our dentist and the tooth still seems solidly rooted, but unfortunately tooth damage might not show up for several weeks. So we wait and see. And worry . . . sigh.


Anonymous said...

Ouch! Hope it works out...

Unknown said...

Hey, Wendy.

Moon gave me your blog address.

When I was three I had a terrible fall and had damage that was pretty severe. (I'll spare you the gory details.) My teeth survived, and my adult teeth were also fine. I'm no dental professional, but I thought I'd let you know that you know at least one person who survived something similar to Garrick's trauma.

I'm going to subscribe so I can stay updated regularly!

Take care, Crickett